Welcome to
417 Professionals is a networking group for business professionals
in the Springfield, Missouri metropolitan area.
Since the business professionals in our network meet every week both in a group and in one-to-one meetings, we get to know each other well. As a result, any member of our network can connect their own customers with known, trusted professionals in many different areas.
Under each chapter page, you can find local small business owners who are 417 Professionals members.
We provide our members in the Springfield, Missouri area a network through which we can support each other’s businesses and pass referrals. This results in increased business!
Unlike many similar networks, our low $50 annual membership fee saves you money — reducing this barrier helps make for a larger and more active network.
A unique twist to 417 Professionals business networking group is our desire to contribute to our community. We invite non-profit organizations to join our memberships at no cost.
We believe in building a bridge between the business and non-profit sector to enrich our local community.